Hello Briarwood Bears!
March 10th - Tastes of the World Planning Meeting @ 6PM in Ms. N's Classroom
March 10th - 17th - Spirit Wear Sales! Purchase HERE! (LINK)
March 12th - Last Day to Purchase tickets for Briarwood at the Ballpark! Purchase Tickets HERE! (LINK)
March 13th & 14th - 5th Grade Ceramics Project Part 1 Volunteers Needed! (LINK)
March 14th - Weather Make-Up Day: School will be in session!
March 20th - Staff Appreciation Pi Day Event Help Needed! (LINK)
March 20th - Carnival Planning Meeting Email: Merrilee.Peha@gmail.com for more info!
March 24th - PTA Meeting @ 5:30 PM
March 25th - Class Picture Day! Volunteers Needed! (LINK)
March 27th & 28th - 5th Grade Ceramics Part 2 Volunteers Needed! (LINK)
March 28th - Popcorn Friday! Volunteers Needed! (LINK)
March 29th - Briarwood at the Ball Park! Purchase Tickets HERE! (LINK)
March 31st - Deadline for Love Lines & Year Book! Purchase HERE! (LINK)
April 1st - April 25th - 5th Grade Graduation Signs Go On Sale!
April 7th - 11th - Spring Book Fair! Volunteers Needed! (LINK)
May 1st - ISF Nourish Every Mind Luncheon Register HERE! (LINK)
May 15th - Tastes of the World Cultural Night!
May 31st - Briarwood Carnaval Night!
*Please see the corresponding flier below or click on link to sign up! Thank You!
Back by popular demand! The Briarwood spirit wear shop is open this week! Our shop will be open now through Monday, March 17th! This will be Briarwood's last opportunity to shop this school year, so please don't miss out! Here's the link to shop: https://briarwoodpta2025.itemorder.com
The Briarwood Bear Chorus will be performing at the Mariner's Game on March 29th! Any Briarwood family can purchase tickets! Tickets must be purchased by March 12th!
The 5th Grade Ceramics Project is coming up in March! We still need volunteers for a few more classes! Sign up to volunteer HERE!
Every grade will get an opportunity to make a clay project this year. Please reach out to the Briarwood Ceramics Committee at Briarwood.Ceramics@gmail.com for more information.
We would like to extend a BIG thank you to Beth Koontz for helping our ceramics committee get Briarwood's ceramics program up and running! She helped launch our pilot program last year, where outgoing 5th graders got complete a ceramics project. She also helped up us launch this year, so that ALL grade levels will get to complete a ceramics project.
Check out 4th Grade's heart projects they made just in time for Valentine's Day!
Please join us in appreciating our staff and teachers this month! For the next staff appreciation event on March 20th, we're going with a pie theme in honor of "Pi Day" this month. To make it all happen we need your help. We hope you will consider contributing food (pies!) or assisting with setup or cleanup (1 hour time commitment). Please use the Signup Genius link to volunteer. Thank you for your continued support! Sign up to help HERE!
The Briarwood Carnival is coming! Stay tuned for ways to get involved. This event is run entirely by volunteers and we will need your help! There will be bounce houses, dunk tanks, food trucks, a cake walk, games and much more! Email: Merrilee.Peha@gmail.com to get information on volunteering! The next planning meeting will be onThursday March 20th @ 6PM!
We are now accepting submissions for the Golden Acorn and Outstanding Educator Awards! Please submit your nominations as soon as possible by emailing: PTABriarwood@gmail.com
Also, if you would like to volunteer to look over submissions, please volunteer by emailing: PTABriarwood@gmail.com
Class picture day is coming to Briarwood this month! You can pre-order your student's class picture at www.dorianstudio.com. You can sign up to volunteer HERE!
Due to the challenging weather in November and February, school will be in session on March 14th for a weather make-up day. For more ISD calendar information, please visit HERE.
If you haven't yet, order your 2024-2025 yearbook now! Students look forward to having these keepsakes in hand the last week of school to collect much-sought-after autographs from their classmates and teachers, so don’t let your Briarwood Bear be without one! The price is $30.00 each! Prices will go up to $40.00 April 1st - until supplies last!
Additionally, Love Lines can be purchased now! Let your child know how proud you are of their hard work and tenacity this year with a special dedication from you! The price is $5.00 for 200 characters! All Lines need to be purchased and submitted by March 31st! Yearbooks and/or love lines can be purchased HERE!
For sale in early April! 5th Grade Graduation yard signs will be for sale soon! Please be on the look out for an email with more information about purchasing this amazing sign to celebrate your 5th Grade Briarwood Bear's accomplishment!
It's almost that time again, BOOK FAIR! The Spring Book Fair will run the week before spring break, April 7th-11th and we need your help! Students will have a chance to come to the fair and shop during their library time throughout the week so you can sign up for your students' library time and more. Teen time slots available for setup, tear down, and evening shifts to get those volunteer hours in as well! THANK YOU! Sign up to volunteer HERE!
Popcorn Friday is one of the most loved programs at Briarwood! Our next popcorn Friday is March 28th! We still need volunteers to make this happen! If you are interested in volunteering, you can sign up here!
Please note: Our popcorn shifts are changing! All popcorn will be given out during lunch recess from March onward. Our Popping shift is from 9:15 - 12:15 PM and our Seller shift is from 11:30 AM - 1:20 PM.
If the popcorn shifts are full, you can always email: Briarwood.Popcorn.Committee@gmail.com to see if you can come and help as an extra helper. We can always use help - especially for popping!
Also, we are looking for a person to run Popcorn Fridays next year! It is a once per month program. This volunteer position's duties include: setting up and maintaining a sign up for volunteers, training new volunteers, inventorying supplies, and working with the Programs Chair to purchase items needed.
If you are interested in more information about Popcorn Friday and/or leading this program next year, please email: Briarwood.Popcorn.Committee@gmail.com
Join us for 2025 Nourish Every Mind Student Showcase, where you can reconnect with friends across our community and enjoy a complimentary lunch while ISD students share how you've made a difference in their education journey. Doors and Student Displays open at 11, Program runs 12-1 PM. No cost to attend, Registration opens in March 2025. Register HERE! Sign up to sit at Briarwood PTA's table!
Briarwood PTA's next Smencils Sale is coming on Friday, April 4th! Kids LOVE Smencils! Students can purchase Smecils for $1.00 a piece at lunch recess! If you are interested in helping to sell Smecils for any of the upcoming dates, you can sign up HERE!
Check out the many volunteer opportunities the Briarwood PTA has available here!
Issaquah School District requires that if you volunteer in any of their schools that you complete a volunteer application every year. Apply here!
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Mar 9
6:00p Tastes of the World Planning
| Weather Make Up
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Staff Appreciation