Hello Briarwood Bears!
January 23rd - Reflections Art Walk
January 23rd - School Board Town Hall for the Revised School Bond
January 24th - Smencil Sales!
January 27th - Teacher Work Day: No School
January 28th - PTA Board Meeting 5:30 PM in Library
January 30th - Teacher Appreciation Event Volunteers/Donations Needed!
January 30th - 4th Grade Ceramics Project Part 2
February 3rd - Arena Sports Family Night!!!!
February 7th - Book Swap
February 11th - Revised ISD School Bond Special Election
February 17th - 21st - Second Winter Break
*Please see the corresponding flier below to sign up! Thank You!
In response to community feedback, the School Board voted December 12 to revise its November bond proposal to focus on the district’s most immediate needs. The updated bond measure totals $231.6 million, which is a 63% reduction from the November measure.
The bond will focus on safety and security for all schools, and the expansion of Liberty High School and the building of a new high school - both are which are aimed to address overcrowding in our district. The new proposal will appear on the February 11 Special Election Ballot. If you would like more information, you can find that HERE.
You can access the fact sheets for this bond HERE.
A Q&A session will take place on January 15th from 10-11 AM and from 7:30-8:30 PM. Use the QR code above to register. A link will be provided to all those who register.
A community meeting regarding the bond will be held on January 21, 2025: 6 p.m. - 7 PM at Cougar Mountain Middle School. Hosted by Superintendent Heather Tow-Yick and Chief of Finance and Operations Martin Turney.
A School board town hall will be held on January 23, 2025: 7 p.m. - 8:30 PM at the ISD Administration Building (virtual option also available on Zoom).
If you are eligible to vote, and have not yet registered, you can find more information about registering HERE.
Come and join us for an exclusive family night and silent auction coming up on February 3rd from 5-8 PM at Arena Sports in Issaquah! The entire place will be open to Briarwood family and friends! Save the date and pre-purchase tickets HERE!
We are currently collecting items for our silent auction! If you would like to donate an item, please email: ptabriarwood@gmail.com. You can also make a monetary donation to go towards the purchase of items that will be entered into the silent auction HERE. All of the funds made will go towards funding enrichment activities and events for students and staff at Briarwood. Some of the programs and events our PTA funds are: the art docent program, the ceramics program, the drama program, popcorn Friday, Spring Carnival, staff appreciation, and many more!
We look forward to seeing you there and thank you for generous donations!
Briarwood PTA will be hosting a staff appreciation Pizza Lunch on Thursday, January 30th! If you would like to volunteers or donate items, you can do that HERE! If you would like to donate money toward pizza, you can do that HERE!
The 4th Grade Ceramics Project is coming up in January! If you have a 4th grader and would like to sign up to volunteer, you can do that here! Every grade will get an opportunity to make a clay project this year. Please reach out to the Briarwood Ceramics Committee at Briarwood.Ceramics@gmail.com for more information.
We would like to extend a BIG thank you to Beth Koontz for helping our ceramics committee get Briarwood's ceramics program up and running! She helped launch our pilot program last year, where outgoing 5th graders got complete a ceramics project. She also helped up us launch this year, so that ALL grade levels will get to complete a ceramics project. Both second and third grade have made some amazing projects this year! Check out the projects below!
Second Grade Ceramics Project:
Third Grade Ceramics Project:
Popcorn Friday is one of the most loved programs at Briarwood! Our next popcorn Friday is February 28th! We still need volunteers to make this happen! If you are interested in volunteering, you can sign up here! If you are interested in more information, please email: Briarwood.Popcorn.Committee@gmail.com
Our next PTA Meeting will be January 28th at 5:30 PM in the library! All are welcome! Please enter through the lower double doors by the music room. They are located down the stairs from the main parking lot.
Briarwood PTA's next Smencils Sale is coming on Friday, January 24th! Students can purchase Smecils for $1.00 a piece at lunch recess! If you are interested in helping to sell Smecils for any of the upcoming dates, you can sign up HERE!
Thank you to EVERYONE who has joined the PTA so far! We are on our way to our goal but still need YOU! It only costs $25 per family. Go to https://briarwoodelementarypta.org/ to join today.
Come and check out all of the Reflections Art Submissions for our district at Issaquah High School on January 23rd from 6 - 8 PM!
Mark your calendars for Briarwood's Book Swap coming February 7th! Please stay tuned for details!
Check out the many volunteer opportunities the Briarwood PTA has available here!
Issaquah School District requires that if you volunteer in any of their schools that you complete a volunteer application every year. Apply here!
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Jan 19
No School Martin Luther King Day
| 6:00p Community Meeting for ISD Bond
Community Meeting for ISD Bond
Tuesday, January 21
6:00p - 7:00p
Cougar Mountain Middle School
| 7:00p ISD Board Town Hall for ISD Bond
ISD Board Town Hall for ISD Bond
Thursday, January 23
7:00p - 8:30p
ISD Admin Building
| Smecils Sale!
| |||
Feb 1
No School
| 5:30p PTA Board Meeting
| Staff Appreciation
4th Grade Clay Project Part 2